Wednesday, October 2, 2013


That's me on the left in September 2013. I chose this picture because it's the most recent "body" shot that I have but it photographed me looking thinner than I really am. 

My name is Rachel, and I am currently a Senior in college. I'd say the name of the college but there is a small fear that one of my classmates might stumble across my blog and I'd have to hang my head in embarrassment. I'm new to blogspot so please forgive me for my lack of know how or general grammar. This blog is dedicated to the girls who have been fighting an uphill battle with weight. It's one of those things that you either relate to completely or don't at all. I, since the time I was 18 years old, have been on a diet at least 1/2 of the year. I have good weeks and I have bad weeks but I'm ALWAYS aware of what I've eaten and whether or not I'm losing weight, gaining weight, or maintaining my weight.  I'll do really good on a diet for 5 weeks, cheat a little, and then fall down completely and eat everything in sight. So frustrating!

As I mentioned earlier, I'm a senior in college and am very aware of the fact that I'm growing older and have more responsibilities. I don't have an excuse as to why I'm overweight. There is literally no reason except that I'm lazy and have little willpower. What's worst is there is external evidence to my lack of willpower. Someone will see me in June and say "Oh, have you lost weight?" and I will happily admit "Yes! Thank you for noticing. I'm currently doing..blah blah blah." However, the same person will see me four months later and not say a word because he and I both know that I've gained quite a bit of weight. The cycle goes on and on. 

What's truly been challenging is that I go to a school where their is no "dorms." Instead, we all live in houses that are walking distance from the school. Therefore, I have to cook for myself. A blessing for sure because cafeteria food would be a NIGHTMARE to navigate through but still a challenge. I have a 200$ a month budget on groceries. I like to stay under that budget if at all possible. And because it is just me eating, any fresh produce that I get is on a serious time-crunch. So I tend to get food that won't go bad so quickly but it's also not the best food for you. Another thing? Healthy eating takes more time! I can't just microwave up some macaroni and cheese now can I?

Back to this blog. I actually created it about five months ago but never got around to making an entry. It's hard to "lock" yourself into something isn't it? After all, I can easily fail myself but it is a whole lot worst to fail hundreds of people following your blog! So, maybe you all will be the kick in the butt that I need and I can help you all with encouragement and resources that I stumble upon like recipes, tips, and exercises. 
The diet that I'm going to do is good old fashioned Weight Watchers. I went from 185 to 155 using Weight watchers so I know that it works and I know that I can manage it with some effort. I also have found some excellent blogs that give delicious recipes that are W.W approved. I am currently about 173lbs. My goal is to get to 145-150 lbs. So today, is day 3. Let me know if you guys are reading and want me to keep going cause if I don't hear from anyone, I'll probably not update this! 

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